Welcome To Brazen Racing
Discover the best Bay Area trails and race with us. We don’t care if you are fast or slow, big or small, young or old. We aren’t the beautiful people you might see in a shoe commercial on TV. We never will be. We’re just everyday people who have discovered the happiness that running can bring. If you have the guts to get off the couch, get outside and run or walk at least 5K (3.1 miles), we are ready for you.
Upcoming Events
Discover All Our Races
The more running events you participate in, the more people you’ll meet and places you’ll see. Check out all our races and plan your schedule.
Get to Know the Brazen Racing Community
Discover All Our Races
The more running events you participate in, the more people you’ll meet and places you’ll see. Check out all our races and plan your schedule.
The Brazen Nation
There is a lot more than what happens on race day!
Race Support
From a little bit of help to complete event production, services are available.
Ultra Half Series
All half marathon runners are invited to participate in the Brazen Ultra Half Series.
Can’t find the answers you need on the website? Get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
We are grateful for the sponsors who support our races and the greater running community. We hope you will support them back.
Reach Our Runners
As the most popular race series in Northern California, we reach tens of thousands of runners. Get your brand or product involved with Brazen Racing.